How to take your events virtual/digital

You’re more than likely reading this in some form of isolation, possibly from home.

2020 is shaping up to be one of the hardest years on record for those in the events industry, all industries in fact. The Coronavirus/Covid19 pandemic is affecting almost everyone and everything, the ripple effect will be felt for years. The truth of the matter is that people still need to meet, events still need to happen, if only online via video.

In order for us to fight the spread of the disease and ‘flatten the curve,’ we’re all being encouraged to practice social distancing, only travel when absolutely necessary and work from home if possible. This equates to most events being cancelled or postponed. What we suggest, where possible, is to take your events online, to allow attendees and speakers to have as much engagement with each other as possible from home. You’ll still have an impact through your event, just a different impact.

Webinars and live streams of events are nothing new to most of you, they are usually an added extra or an afterthought though. We suggest for the time being, until in-person events are possible again, to make them a priority.

At Symbiometry, we’ve always prided ourselves on our ability to help our customers by doing what we can for them, with them. We’re doing the same now with our full-service online solutions.

We propose that instead of cancelling your events, that you take them online. While still providing networking opportunities and engagement for your attendees as much as possible through our event app. People are still able to access your event website, they are still able to register for the event, you’re still able to take payments and see who ‘attended’ and who didn’t. 

With our event app, you’ll be able to drive virtual attendees to engage with speakers with question and answer sessions and live polls. After your event is over you can also collect feedback via surveys. 

Where you’re able to, you can also pre-record your sessions and make them accessible to attendees and follow up the session with a questionnaire or survey. We’ve found this to be an effective way to see who has paid sufficient attention to a video and issue them with a certificate of attendance or completion, sometimes with CPD/CME point/s and sometimes not. 

If you’d like to know more please let us know at

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